Class 8 - Project
The Purpose
Sed dignissimos ipsum aut voluptatibus galisum in voluptas earum sed iste corrupti in consequatur doloribus. Et ipsa exercitationem qui esse nostrum quo animi excepturi ex neque officiis sit accusamus illum.
Aut ipsum laudantium eos dolor repellendus sed aspernatur possimus nam quibusdam obcaecati aut alias voluptas. Aut autem tempora sed corrupti laborum et earum modi!
The Experience
The class get to enjoy being fully immersed in a different culture and way of life and to visit key cultural monuments, museums and experiences, along with practicing their language skills and knowledge.
Previous trips have included going to Berlin and Paris.
Trips to Berlin have built on the class’s academic work modern history - including visiting
The Logistics.
Pupils require a valid Passport for the trip. Please allow enough time (3 months) in advance of the trip to ensure a passport is in place.
The residential trip is for approximately 6 days / 5 nights, leaving Sunday morning, and returning the following Saturday.
Travel is usually by international train (Eurostar) to Brussels or Paris and then onwards by national trains - for example across Belgium and Germany.
Trip logisics are organised entirely by the school trip team. Accommodation is always in locations that can cater for school groups - for example Youth Hostels.
The trip is usually in the Spring term - the school trip team will notify you of the exact dates for a given year.
Historically the trip cost per pupil has been around £700 inclusive of accommodation, travel and food.
Class 8 - Projects
International Trip FAQs
A full kit list will be sent from the school ahead of the trip however you can anticipate your child needing:
Food Pack: Containing morning and afternoon snacks, water and substantial lunch and dinner to last until the evening arrival.
Clothing - please ensure your child will have enough clean clothing for 6 days.
Please label all items with your child’s name.
Waterproof jacket
Warm hat / Sun hat
Warm jacket
Footwear for a long day walking
Smart outfit suitable for theatre visit
1 Towel - quick drying camping towels recommended
A book for relaxation time
Card games
Journal and pen
Zip Card (Travel Pass)
The trip usually leaves on a Sunday and takes up 5 school days (Mon-Fri) Plus returning on the following Saturday.
The Class and staff travel together from school.
They take the international train to mainland Europe from St Pancras and then travel onwards to their destination by local train.
Parents need to provide a full packed lunch and dinner plus substantial snacks and water in a day-pack for the outward travel day
The trip is an ideal opportunity for the class to further their personal sense of responsibility. Many classes collectively fundraise to contribute towards the cost of the trip and hold popular Bake Sales after school (via arrangement with the Class Teacher). Parents can support pupils in their home baking and fundraising ideas.
Historically the trip has cost around £700 per pupil (2023). This is all inclusive of travel, accommodation and all food.
Pupils are asked to bring a small amount of personal spending money with them for occasional snacks.